Henan Lantian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Lantian's strawberry drying machine for quick cleaning makes your production easier

Author: Admin View: Post Time: 2018 / 12 / 28 10:09:40

Strawberry has high nutritional value, contains a variety of nutrients, and has health effects. It is native to South America, widely cultivated in various parts of China and Europe. Strawberry is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and relieve night blindness. It also has the function of maintaining the health of epithelial tissues. It is a popular fruit, and with the continuous development of society, our eating habits have changed a lot. Fruits are now more popular. Snacks, which also found a new development path for growers.
strawberry drying machine
In order to meet the huge market demand, many growers choose to use the strawberry dryer to improve their work efficiency. Compared with the traditional drying process, our machines are more convenient and clean. First of all, the machine adopts the intelligent control system. You only need to process the strawberries and put them into the drying room. Set the temperature and humidity you need on the PLC control panel outside the machine, and the machine will dry it by yourself. And the machine uses clean energy and energy during operation. Without any auxiliary fuel, you don't need to worry about any environmentally harmful gases.
strawberry drying machine
strawberry drying machine

Our strawberry drying machine is also recognized by many customers for its excellent characteristics. In addition to drying fruits such as strawberries, our machines can also dry other vegetables, noodles, meat products and seafood products. The machine is designed in a sealed box and the strawberries do not come into direct contact with the air during the drying process, so you don't have to worry about the hygienic condition of the strawberries. If you need a dryer, please leave a message to us, our sales staff will reply you in the first time, and bring you a good production environment. 

strawberry drying machine

strawberry drying machine

Lantian Machinery Factory

If you are interested in our products , please send inquiry to our email:Alisa@lantianmachine.com

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